Solid state manometry has been a proven technique for over 15 years that offers rapid response to measure the physiological signature. Reusable solid state catheters need no study preparation, no calibration and use only one connector for all pressures.
Laborie is offering a full range of solid state catheters for:
- HRM and HRIM (esophageal)
- HRAM and 360 degrees HRAM (anorectal)
- HRCM (colon)
- HRSM (small bowel/antroduodenum)
- Sphincter of Oddi
in a variety of diameters ranging from 6 French up to 14 French, to ensure accurate measurement for different patient groups. Our catheters are ranging from 1 pressure for simple ARM studies up to 36 pressure channels for HRM and 40 pressure channels for 360 degrees HRAM. Optionally, impedance electrodes and lumen can be added.